Service Provider Cleaning:
Cleanup Blocks Company - special offer for the owners' association, we only perform by contract and invoice,
Contact company administrator _0724_682_275_
The cleaning operations to be performed for the owners' association are as follows: (general basement cleaning).
We present you our offer of services-cleaning basement block:
- Collect / clean all existing objects in the basement block.
- Load existing garbage bags and transport them to the container.
- Washing all existing surface in the basement block (applied solution, if the surface permits).
- applied pest control / disinfestation.
- application / closure of the basement hatch.
- applying / filling the rodent access areas with cement.
-application / cement filling Sewerage access area at the inside / outside.
-applied / executed floor drain.
-cleaned / washed / disinfected place bass leakage.
- applied VAR CLOROS to the sidewalls in the basement.
-applied / executed floor drain.
-confirm / consolidate / repair existing columns in the basement.
Term execution:
Payment method:
Atentie !!!
-All operations will be executed on a contract basis and invoice.
- At the end of the paper, a report will be drawn up.
-This price also includes container delivery / shipping.
-The final price includes the workforce, necessary materials and existing taxes.
How do you get rid of the rats in the basement of the block ???
Rats are very good swimmers and can survive for up to three years in a water basement. When you observe such a mammal, you can be sure there are others around the area. The reason you should try to exterminate them. Because otherwise, you can even wake up with them in the apartments. How, moreover, many people have suffered in the course of time. Also worrying is the fact that rats are growing very fast, and a female can give birth even to 2,000 copies in one year. So do not stop thinking and do your best to get rid of the rodents that can destroy your life.
The tariff for these services is established on the spot, depending on the complexity.
we offer heavy-duty cleaning services, underground, flooded, underground garbage, rubble, etc.
We were evacuating the garbage, cleaning the space, optionally - sanitizing and disinfecting.
Our team is specialized for this kind of works and is equipped with the necessary equipment and consumables.
We provide special containers or containers for garbage disposal. Containers remain at the location for 24 hours, while they are filled with garbage.
We intervene in the basement of blocks, houses, restaurants, schools, clubs, company headquarters, etc.
Firmele de curatenie pentru asociatiile de proprietari au servicii rentabile - afla ce avantaje sunt la o astfel de colaborare.
O asociatie de proprietari este infiintata pentru a fi in folosul comun al proprietarilor, dar administrarea acesteia nu este o misiune usoara. Domeniul este unul complex, motiv pentru care se impune nevoia de ajutor specializat. In zile moderne cand exista softuri complexe, cand gestionarea a ceea ce tine de o asociatie de proprietari se poate realiza mai usor, mai eficient, sunt tot mai cautate firmele ce pot oferi servicii de curatenie.
Un exemplu este LUPULESCU ROBERT CURATENIE BLOCURI, firma specializata in ceea ce priveste domeniul de CURATENIE, In acest sens sunt puse la dispozitie servicii complete. Aflam care sunt acestea si ce avantaje rezulta dintr-o colaborare de genul :
O parte importanta la o asociatie de proprietari este despre a verifica starea spatiilor comune, de a lua masuri, de a fi pe teren, in a verifica tot ce tine de confortul si calitatea traiului proprietarilor. Aici se include verificarea liftului, daca este cazul, a instalatiilor, a lucrarilor diverse ce se desfasoara. De asemenea, vor fi verificate indexurile de contoare, vor fi afisate listele de cheltuieli SI ACTIVITATEA DE CURATENIE PRIN BLOCURI.